I made a recent post About Landy Travels to Twatt, during the same holiday in Orkney we too a went out to Bersey beach and intended on having a nice walk... But someone spotted a little concrete slope just big enough to fit the Landy down. So Landy got the sweet taste of the beach air, turned her round and parked her up in the sun.
If I didnt tell you how cold and windy i was you would think from the photos it was nice and warm, with warm sea and toasty sand. Think again. I was so SO cold! As for the wind it kept blowing into my wellies and hen making me trip over my own feet!
Monday, 24 April 2017
Landy Travels! Bersey Sea!
Landy Travels,
Landy Travels! Twatt!
Hi everyone! I'd like to apologise for not posting in a while, I have been planning some great new content and gathering props and photos and everything I need.
Now I know some of you might not like trucks and landies, so for You this post might not be of interest, but please enjoy the tour!
We took my dogs and they loved it! Anyway, after watching Top Gear years ago I'd always wanted to find the Twatt sign; you ever saw the episode on rudest place names in the UK? Well this one was harder to find than any of us thought..
The day we decided to go out and find this sign we actually spent over half of the day driving in and out of Twatt from every road we could find. You see, apparently tourists like to steal these Twatt signs; probably just because they saw them on Top Gear. At the end of the day though, what are you going you do with a sign that big?! Anyway, we stopped and asked several people, I think one lady thought I was insulting her but oh well :')
When the day was coming to an end, we headed back to our cottage and called it a day, I took to Facebook to ask everyone where exactly was there a sign left? Many local replied with pinpoints or locations on Google Maps which made things so much easier - So thanks to you bunch!
Landy Travels,
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