Monday, 24 April 2017

Landy Travels! Bersey Sea!

I made a recent post About Landy Travels to Twatt, during the same holiday in Orkney we too a went out to Bersey beach and intended on having a nice walk... But someone spotted a little concrete slope just big enough to fit the Landy down. So Landy got the sweet taste of the beach air, turned her round and parked her up in the sun.
If I didnt tell you how cold and windy i was you would think from the photos it was nice and warm, with warm sea and toasty sand. Think again. I was so SO cold! As for the wind it kept blowing into my wellies and hen making me trip over my own feet!

You know on posts and videos how they don't show the bloopers? That's because we look stupid, I fell off the bonnet and Wthought it was funny.. It was.

When I'm trying not to look cold for the photo but I'm looking like a mild frost flake of a human.

A little better..

When efforts fail throw your arms in the air! Have you ever seen Land Rover owners drive past each other and they flash their lights or do a geeky wave? That's the Landy wave, this is mine :') 

.. And without little Mazda, Landy wouldn't of got out of that ditch! As you can imagine Landy suffered embarrassment then on for the rest of the holiday...

Being a good sport I played along..  Loved this day out, the beach at Bersay is absolutely beautiful, it just needs some sun! I do believe you are currently allowed dogs on any beach, obviously you must clean up their turd if they do happen hatch a steamy one. Or else the dog friendly zones will be no more. We took both of my dogs along on the holiday with us so the beaches were lovely walks with the dogs when the weather was decent - otherwise as we stay in the countryside, we have a lot of land for the doggos to roam.

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*TFC watch was gifted to me, but this is not a sponsored post, no payment etc and all opinions are my own - If I don't like something, I will say*
*you do not have my permission to use any of my images, I am the owner and you can't use them without asking me first*

If you would like to get in contact for business inquiries then you can access deets under the contact tab at the top of my blog :)


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