Tuesday, 2 December 2014

my first ever sfx and Stud face!

Above is the first special effects makeup I have ever done, which was right at the end of October 2014. Considering I had never tried special effects before I don't think this was half bad. Funny story is... One of my younger brothers friends came to call for him so I answered the door and he said "is har-what happened to your head! You've been shot! shouldn't you be in hospital?!" With that I then remembered that I had this on my head and the poor guy started swaying looking all sicky, leading to an explanation of how it's not real. That is how my special effects makeup journey began basically! 

I have since started up my YouTube channel with tutorials for some of the looks I have done. Believe me when I say I haven't planned anything, all I have is something in my head that I'm thinking of and I go from there. I am planning on getting a new camera preferably a dslr one eventually so I can improve the video quality but for now I'm making do.

I am collecting special effects products, which I plan on also sharing with you. Either on a video on YouTube or blog posts, I'm not sure yet. So I am self teaching myself to be a MUA and showing my progression and journey so other people can learn with me. I am not going to be doing just gory looks, that's just the main products I have collected so far. I will be doing a range of styles and I will be dabbling into vlogs, product videos, tags etc so please do subscribe to my YouTube if that sounds interesting to you!... warning. I am a bit of a wild firecracker so I can be a bit crazy but heyy it's just me :D

Above is a stud face look I have done. I did get one of the studs stuck in my finger whilst I was pressing the back down which hurt a fair bit! But I'm use to doing stupid stuff so it's all good!

If you would like to see how to do this stud face tutorial you can watch it here
If you want to see how to do the lip art on this look you can watch it here

I do have my social icons linked up to my pages like my twitter, instagram, YouTube etc so feel free to follow those :) You can join/subscribe to this blog under the google+ image on the right hand side of this blog too :)

If you would like to get in contact for business enquiries then you can access this under the contact tab on my blogs header :)



  1. Oh wow, I have to say you're doing hell of a great job! I can't believe you're self taught, that is some mad skills. Both makeup are very realistic, thumbs up!

    Reflection of Sanity

    1. thanksyou so much! I surprise myself with with what I can do. Please do checkout my youtube channel and subscribe if you like this :)

  2. looks great!


  3. Oh wow! This looks amazing! You did such a wonderful job on your first try.Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog.

    Keisha xo

    1. thanks you so much! I was honestly shocked with my first attempt, so I kept at it :)

  4. wow
    would you follow each other ?

  5. Great job, you are really good at this. Thanks for the visit.

  6. Oh wow, this is great! Very soon I will see your name on movies as the makeup special effect lady. :)
    *Also appreciate your visit on my blog.*


    1. thanksyou! I sure hope so aha :D
      your welcome :)

  7. Wow these are incredible, especially for a first time. I still have trouble with a smokey eye lol!


    1. thanksyou! ... between you and me, so do I haha *shhh*

  8. wow, amazing pictures!!! great job!!


  9. beautifully done..

  10. Wow, amazing.
    On my blog, second part of Gabriel Data autumn-winter 2014/2015 collection.
    Your opinion is very important for me ;)
    www.gabriel-data.blogspot.com - MY BLOG
    Fashion Projects

  11. Gosh you look really scary!

  12. woah! scary dear :)


  13. wow! fantastic
    Check my blog!!!! :CHIC STREET CHOC
    follow for follow on Instagram?<a
    I'm waiting for you!!! Yep!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I would love to make some blogger friends, if you have a blog and would like to subscribe to my blog and join with g+ then please do let me know and then I can follow you back, here and other social accounts - insta etc, I want to get to know my followers :) my social accounts are all in the right sidebar of my blog <3


I love reading through all of your lovely comments and I try my best to get back to as many as I can! I also visit as many blogs as I can and checkout your stuff.

If your are just going to ask me to follow your blog then please follow my blog first with G+ at the right-hand side of this blog and then I'm happy to follow yours in return. Otherwise, please don't just ask me to follow yours.

I don't just do special effects makeup, I will be doing beauty, product reviews, vlogs, nail art etc so please don't be scared off by the gore, it's not real! :D

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