Friday, 10 June 2016


Continuing from the short holiday to Wales, we went to the Magic Of Life Butterfly House!

Playing with my new dslr camera! I was able to really capture the detail of all of the butterflies. I literally walked into this place and I was like "They can't be real!!" The way they fly is just incredible, of course I've seen ordinary butterflies fly, but these things were huge! and they flew more like birds and looked like paper swooping around the place.

I love reading through all of your lovely comments and I try my best to get back to as many as I can! I also visit as many blogs as I can and checkout your stuff.

If your are just going to ask me to follow your blog then please follow my blog first with G+ at the right-hand side of this blog and then I'm happy to follow yours in return. Otherwise, please don't just ask me to follow yours.

I don't just do special effects makeup, I will be doing beauty, product reviews, vlogs, nail art etc so please don't be scared off by the gore, it's not real! :D

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