Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Fake it!

Hi everyone! So I have finally moved back home, it's been super busy the last couple weeks with everything and I've been without internet for a while. It surprises me how much I actually use internet and then when I don't have it I don't really know what to do with myself (I shouldn't admit to that but it's true). I mean so much of what I do, well it needs it!

I am going to be getting some more piercings soon and to be honest it's such a build up because I'm scared of needles and stuff but I really want them anyway. I have bought items from The Body Jewellery Shop before but this time I got some ear piercing studs... Accept no actual piercing is needed!

My ears a little small so this cuff is a bit too big but I still like it. This is the Elegant ear cuff and it's literally under £2.50
I love reading through all of your lovely comments and I try my best to get back to as many as I can! I also visit as many blogs as I can and checkout your stuff.

If your are just going to ask me to follow your blog then please follow my blog first with G+ at the right-hand side of this blog and then I'm happy to follow yours in return. Otherwise, please don't just ask me to follow yours.

I don't just do special effects makeup, I will be doing beauty, product reviews, vlogs, nail art etc so please don't be scared off by the gore, it's not real! :D

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