Monday, 23 March 2015

PetShop Box Unboxing!

I was sent this parcel for my two dogs, one is Paws - the Labrador, the other is Zeus - the rottweiler cross bullmastiff. Zeus was old enough for us to have a couple of days before Christmas this year and Paws is eight years old. Basically; Paws was planned and Zeus wasn't but I tell you about that disaster on the video

Friday, 13 March 2015

Japanese snack box!

I was sent this snack box from Nandemobox, so thanksyou so much! :D 
I love travelling around the world and to different parts of Britain and seeing the culture and trying new cuisines. Snack boxes are something I am totally interested in, I literally sit for hours watching people unboxing and trying them from all over the world over on YouTube. 
I do love trying new things, although I do have my preferences and some things I do not like at all. 
I was also grateful for the translation sheet... As I can't read Japanese or even guess what some of these things were! 

I loved the strawberry collagen sweets, they tasted pretty natural and they're good for your skin! These were my favourite thing in the box, and the resealable packet wasn't too much use for me as I ended up eating them all in one go anyway :'D
Surprisingly I also loved the seaweed crisps, I didn't really want to try these because I think seaweed stinks. These smelled good though and tasted even better! They reminded me of 'Monster Munch' crisps. The crab crackers were pretty weird, yet tasted good although I didn't no what the red things were so I was a bit unsure about it - It did taste like a prawn cracker though that you get from a Chinese here in England... If you'd like to see me trying these snacks and my nasty faces when I didn't like something you can checkout the video haha! I have more reviews on their way to my YouTube so follow me on there if you would like to keep updated and see what I get up to :)

They ship all around the world I believe and the postage is included. You can sign up for a one-off box or for a repeat subscription; so you can get lots of crazy sweets sent to you every month. They do about 3 different box types I think which are - Kawaii, snacks and then beauty.

I am uploading content to my youtube channel like nail art tutorials, special effects makeup tutorials, run throughs and reviews so please do head over there to check it out; and maybe follow if it looks interesting ;)

I do have my social icons (on the right-hand side of this blog) linked up to my pages like my twitterinstagramYouTubeFacebook etc so feel free to follow those :) You can join/subscribe to this blog under the google+ image on the right hand side of this blog too :)

If you would like to get in contact for business inquiries then you can access this under the contact tab at the top of my blog :)

I love reading through all of your lovely comments and I try my best to get back to as many as I can! I also visit as many blogs as I can and checkout your stuff.

If your are just going to ask me to follow your blog then please follow my blog first with G+ at the right-hand side of this blog and then I'm happy to follow yours in return. Otherwise, please don't just ask me to follow yours.

I don't just do special effects makeup, I will be doing beauty, product reviews, vlogs, nail art etc so please don't be scared off by the gore, it's not real! :D

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