Thursday, 27 November 2014

bake fail!

I bought this silver spoon chocolate icing sugar so I could bake a cake for my family and I was really excited to use it. You can either do normal icing or butter icing... I chose butter icing and I mixed in the butter and the icing was just the right texture, the cakes actually rose for once and then all of a sudden the icing turned to liquid in the bowl!

I had planned to have thick butter icing between the layers of the cake - but that just ran back out so I covered the cake then watched it pour back off like a chocolate fountain... Not exactly my best baking experience! I think the kitchen was too hot and melted it maybe, but the cake tastes good so I'm still happy :)

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Friday, 21 November 2014

Gemmy stones

Just a few shots of my latest purchase for my makeup. Bought these over on eBay, got some ideas that I'm going to use them for. Sparkly things are just so nice!.. Feel like chucking them everywhere and getting in the Christmas spirit or something. I'm collecting them in many different sizes and colours. The first two images are 7mm silver rhinestones and the next ones are 4mm.

you can get these in many craft stores or like I did, on eBay. I can't wait to use these and share with you what I create! :)


I love reading through all of your lovely comments and I try my best to get back to as many as I can! I also visit as many blogs as I can and checkout your stuff.

If your are just going to ask me to follow your blog then please follow my blog first with G+ at the right-hand side of this blog and then I'm happy to follow yours in return. Otherwise, please don't just ask me to follow yours.

I don't just do special effects makeup, I will be doing beauty, product reviews, vlogs, nail art etc so please don't be scared off by the gore, it's not real! :D

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